add-circle-bold add-circle add-square add alarm-bell-1 alert-diamond analytics-pie-2 archive archive arrow-down-1 arrow-down-2 arrow-left-1 arrow-right-1 arrow-up-1 attachment-1 bin-paper-1 book-star button-record check-1 check-circle-1 close close-quote close cog-1 cog common-file-stack copy-paste credit-card-1 diagram-fall-down disable time-clock-midnight download-thick-bottom drawer-send envelope-letter envelope-letter expand-6 expand-6 file-code filter-1 floppy-disk flying-insect-honey folder-file-1 headphones-customer-support hierarchy-9 hyperlink-2 information-circle keyboard-arrow-down keyboard-arrow-up layout-module-1 list-bullets lock-2 lock-unlock-1 love-it messages-bubble-square move-to-top multiple-circle multiple-neutral-1 multiple-users-1 navigation-menu-horizontal navigation-menu network-browser open-quote pencil-1 pencil-write pencil-1 print-text rating-star rating-star remove-circle remove-square-1 search send-email-1 shield-warning single-neutral-actions single-neutral smiley-sad-1 smiley-unhappy smiley-indifferent smiley-smile-1_1 smiley-happy smiley-sad-1 smiley-unhappy smiley-indifferent smiley-happy smiley-thrilled social-media-twitter synchronize-arrows-1 tags-double ticket-1 ticket-1 time-clock-circle undo view-1 view-off view wench

Fees for payable invoices

If you enable payable invoices there are 2 fees -- credit card fees, and a Lobiloo fee.

Here's how the fee structure works:

Diagram adopted from Stripe.

Stripe fees

Credit card fees are nearly unavoidable. Stripe, our backend processor, charges 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction. As more Lobiloo clients enable payable invoices, however, this fee will drop to 1.9%.

Lobiloo Fee
This fee is collected by Lobiloo and used to maintain your account. Stripe charges us a few dollars per month, per account, and we've dedicated significant developer resources to manage this feature.

How it works: $10 per month for unlimited transaction volume.

(If you do not enable payable invoices, you will not be charged.)

Net Earnings
The amount of money that will be deposited directly into your bank.

Stripe fees are deducted from your client's payment, and the Lobiloo fee will be charged just like your regular subscription.

Want a discount?
Commit to the Payable Invoices feature on an annual basis and we'll give you 2 months free. Email [email protected] to upgrade your account.